- Apr 13, 2020
Henoch Einbier authored
- Nov 01, 2019
Joel Kuder authored
use prepare for bindParam
- Oct 25, 2019
Henoch Einbier authored
-added missing 'news' row to vms_kontodaten -removed obsolete entries in vms_aktivierungen and vms_reloads -removed non existing mail services from denied_domains in vms_seitenkonfig -utf-8 and grammar fixes
- Oct 18, 2019
Joel Kuder authored
- Mar 28, 2016
Joel Kuder authored
- Jan 31, 2016
Joel Kuder authored
-> Remove copyrights LKTechnik -> Remove lkt_ in filenames and path and mysql -> extras.lib.php no $text variable -> add .ressource ordner for future sql migrations and install scripts and alternate non WEB files. -> remove ebesucher.php because ebesucher dont have an API -> Change headerbanner ads to https and new URL -> add config.inc.php.example as example for config.inc.php -> remove personal variables from functions.php -> Git conflicts -> remove adscan -> in future no external services per default.