An error occurred while loading the file. Please try again.
Joel Kuder authored
-> Remove copyrights LKTechnik -> Remove lkt_ in filenames and path and mysql -> extras.lib.php no $text variable -> add .ressource ordner for future sql migrations and install scripts and alternate non WEB files. -> remove ebesucher.php because ebesucher dont have an API -> Change headerbanner ads to https and new URL -> add as example for -> remove personal variables from functions.php -> Git conflicts -> remove adscan -> in future no external services per default.
pcheck.php 2.95 KiB
require_once ('lib/');
require_once ('lib/functions.lib.php');
//Variablen vordefinieren
if (!isset($headmsg)) $headmsg = "";
if (!isset($wait)) $wait = "";
if (!isset($_GET['auszahlen'])) $_GET['auszahlen'] = "false";
//Tan / UID Sichern
$_GET['uid'] = (int)$_GET['uid'];
$_GET['tan'] = addslashes ($_GET['tan']);
//DB Verbindung herstellen
$mail = mysql_fetch_assoc(db_query("SELECT e.start,e.aufendhalt,e.status,e.uid,v.verdienst FROM ".$db_prefix."_paidmails_empfaenger e
LEFT JOIN ".$db_prefix."_paidmails_versendet v ON v.tan = e.tan
WHERE e.tan='".$_GET['tan']."' AND e.uid=".$_GET['uid']." AND e.gueltig > ".time()." LIMIT 1"));
if ($_GET['auszahlen']!='true') {
if (mysql_num_rows($user_mail)) {
if ($mail['status'] != 0) {
if ($mail['status'] == 1) $headmsg = 'Mail schon bestädigt!';
if ($mail['status'] == 2) $headmsg = 'Fakeversuch!';
} else {
$headmsg = 'Bitte warte '.$mail['aufendhalt'].' Sek.!';
$wait = '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="'.$mail['aufendhalt'].';url=pcheck.php?tan='.$_GET['tan'].'&auszahlen=true&uid='.$_GET['uid'].'">';
db_query("UPDATE ".$db_prefix."_paidmails_empfaenger SET start=".time()." WHERE tan='".$_GET['tan']."' and uid=".$_GET['uid']."");
} else $headmsg = 'Diese Mail ist nicht für Dich!';
if (($mail['start']+$mail['aufendhalt']-1) <= time() AND $mail['status'] == 0) {
kontobuchung ('+',$mail['verdienst'],$mail['uid']);
buchungsliste (create_code(14),$mail['verdienst'],'Paidmailverdienst',$mail['uid']);
refumsatz ($mail['verdienst'],$mail['uid']);
rallysystem ($mail['uid'],'2',$mail['verdienst']);
db_query("UPDATE ".$db_prefix."_paidmails_empfaenger SET status=1 WHERE tan='".$_GET['tan']."' and uid=".$_GET['uid']." LIMIT 1");
db_query("UPDATE ".$db_prefix."_paidmails_versendet SET bestaedigt=bestaedigt+1 WHERE tan='".$_GET['tan']."' LIMIT 1");
$headmsg = $mail['verdienst'].' '.$waehrung.' gutgeschrieben!';
} else {
$headmsg = 'Wartezeit umgangen! Paidmail ungültig!';
db_query("UPDATE ".$db_prefix."_paidmails_empfaenger SET status=2 WHERE tan='".$_GET['tan']."' and uid=".$_GET['uid']." LIMIT 1");
echo '
if ($wait) echo $wait;
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/bframe.css" type="text/css">
<body bgcolor="#c0c0c0" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0">
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="left">
<td align="left" width="50%"><b>'.$seitenname.' ist für den Inhalt nicht verantwortlich.</b></td>
<td align="right" width="50%"><b>'.$headmsg.'</b> </td>