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  • isaack/VMS-SUEE_2.0
2 results
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with 11452 additions and 788 deletions
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// Title: tigra slider control
// Description: See the demo at url
// URL:
// Version: 1.1 (commented source)
// Date: 08/28/2012
// Tech. Support:
// Notes: This script is free. Visit official site for further details.
function slider (a_init, a_tpl) {
this.f_setValue = f_sliderSetValue;
this.f_getPos = f_sliderGetPos;
// register in the global collection
if (!window.A_SLIDERS)
window.A_SLIDERS = [];
var n_id = this.n_id = window.A_SLIDERS.length;
window.A_SLIDERS[n_id] = this;
// save config parameters in the slider object
var s_key;
if (a_tpl)
for (s_key in a_tpl)
this[s_key] = a_tpl[s_key];
for (s_key in a_init)
this[s_key] = a_init[s_key];
this.n_pix2value = this.n_pathLength / (this.n_maxValue - this.n_minValue);
if (this.n_value == null)
this.n_value = this.n_minValue;
// generate the control's HTML
'<div style="width:' + this.n_controlWidth + 'px;height:' + this.n_controlHeight + 'px;border:0; background-image:url(' + this.s_imgControl + ')" id="sl' + n_id + 'base">' +
'<img src="' + this.s_imgSlider + '" width="' + this.n_sliderWidth + '" height="' + this.n_sliderHeight + '" border="0" style="position:relative;left:' + this.n_pathLeft + 'px;top:' + this.n_pathTop + 'px;z-index:' + this.n_zIndex + ';cursor:pointer;visibility:hidden;" name="sl' + n_id + 'slider" id="sl' + n_id + 'slider" onmousedown="return f_sliderMouseDown(' + n_id + ')" /></div>'
this.e_base = get_element('sl' + n_id + 'base');
this.e_slider = get_element('sl' + n_id + 'slider');
if (document.addEventListener) {
this.e_slider.addEventListener("touchstart", function (e_event) { f_sliderMouseDown(n_id, e_event) }, false);
document.addEventListener("touchmove", f_sliderMouseMove, false);
document.addEventListener("touchend", f_sliderMouseUp, false);
// safely hook document/window events
if (!window.f_savedMouseMove && document.onmousemove != f_sliderMouseMove) {
window.f_savedMouseMove = document.onmousemove;
document.onmousemove = f_sliderMouseMove;
if (!window.f_savedMouseUp && document.onmouseup != f_sliderMouseUp) {
window.f_savedMouseUp = document.onmouseup;
document.onmouseup = f_sliderMouseUp;
// preset to the value in the input box if available
var e_input = this.s_form == null
? get_element(this.s_name)
: document.forms[this.s_form]
? document.forms[this.s_form].elements[this.s_name]
: null;
this.f_setValue(e_input && e_input.value != '' ? e_input.value : null, 1); = 'visible';
function f_sliderSetValue (n_value, b_noInputCheck) {
if (n_value == null)
n_value = this.n_value == null ? this.n_minValue : this.n_value;
if (isNaN(n_value))
return false;
// round to closest multiple if step is specified
if (this.n_step)
n_value = Math.round((n_value - this.n_minValue) / this.n_step) * this.n_step + this.n_minValue;
// smooth out the result
if (n_value % 1)
n_value = Math.round(n_value * 1e5) / 1e5;
if (n_value < this.n_minValue)
n_value = this.n_minValue;
if (n_value > this.n_maxValue)
n_value = this.n_maxValue;
this.n_value = n_value;
// move the slider
if (this.b_vertical) = (this.n_pathTop + this.n_pathLength - Math.round((n_value - this.n_minValue) * this.n_pix2value)) + 'px';
else = (this.n_pathLeft + Math.round((n_value - this.n_minValue) * this.n_pix2value)) + 'px';
// save new value
var e_input;
if (this.s_form == null) {
e_input = get_element(this.s_name);
if (!e_input)
return b_noInputCheck ? null : f_sliderError(this.n_id, "Can not find the input with ID='" + this.s_name + "'.");
else {
var e_form = document.forms[this.s_form];
if (!e_form)
return b_noInputCheck ? null : f_sliderError(this.n_id, "Can not find the form with NAME='" + this.s_form + "'.");
e_input = e_form.elements[this.s_name];
if (!e_input)
return b_noInputCheck ? null : f_sliderError(this.n_id, "Can not find the input with NAME='" + this.s_name + "'.");
e_input.value = n_value;
// get absolute position of the element in the document
function f_sliderGetPos (b_vertical, b_base) {
var n_pos = 0,
s_coord = (b_vertical ? 'Top' : 'Left');
var o_elem = o_elem2 = b_base ? this.e_base : this.e_slider;
while (o_elem) {
n_pos += o_elem["offset" + s_coord];
o_elem = o_elem.offsetParent;
o_elem = o_elem2;
var n_offset;
while (o_elem.tagName != "BODY") {
n_offset = o_elem["scroll" + s_coord];
if (n_offset)
n_pos -= o_elem["scroll" + s_coord];
o_elem = o_elem.parentNode;
return n_pos;
function f_sliderMouseDown (n_id, e_event) {
window.n_activeSliderId = n_id;
var o_slider = A_SLIDERS[n_id];
window.n_mouseOffset = o_slider.b_vertical
? window.n_mouseY - o_slider.n_sliderHeight / 2 - o_slider.f_getPos(1, 1) - parseInt(
: window.n_mouseX - o_slider.n_sliderWidth / 2 - o_slider.f_getPos(0, 1) - parseInt(;
return false;
function f_sliderMouseUp (e_event, b_watching) {
if (window.n_activeSliderId != null) {
var o_slider = window.A_SLIDERS[window.n_activeSliderId];
o_slider.f_setValue(o_slider.n_minValue + (o_slider.b_vertical
? (o_slider.n_pathLength - parseInt( + o_slider.n_pathTop)
: (parseInt( - o_slider.n_pathLeft)) / o_slider.n_pix2value);
if (b_watching) return;
window.n_activeSliderId = null;
window.n_mouseOffset = null;
if (window.f_savedMouseUp)
return window.f_savedMouseUp(e_event);
function f_sliderMouseMove (e_event) {
if (!e_event && window.event) e_event = window.event;
// save mouse coordinates
if (e_event) {
window.n_mouseX = e_event.clientX + f_scrollLeft();
window.n_mouseY = e_event.clientY + f_scrollTop();
// check if in drag mode
if (window.n_activeSliderId != null) {
var o_slider = window.A_SLIDERS[window.n_activeSliderId];
var n_pxOffset;
if (o_slider.b_vertical) {
var n_sliderTop = window.n_mouseY - o_slider.n_sliderHeight / 2 - o_slider.f_getPos(1, 1) - window.n_mouseOffset;
// limit the slider movement
if (n_sliderTop < o_slider.n_pathTop)
n_sliderTop = o_slider.n_pathTop;
var n_pxMax = o_slider.n_pathTop + o_slider.n_pathLength;
if (n_sliderTop > n_pxMax)
n_sliderTop = n_pxMax; = n_sliderTop + 'px';
n_pxOffset = o_slider.n_pathLength - n_sliderTop + o_slider.n_pathTop;
else {
var n_sliderLeft = window.n_mouseX - o_slider.n_sliderWidth / 2 - o_slider.f_getPos(0, 1) - window.n_mouseOffset;
// limit the slider movement
if (n_sliderLeft < o_slider.n_pathLeft)
n_sliderLeft = o_slider.n_pathLeft;
var n_pxMax = o_slider.n_pathLeft + o_slider.n_pathLength;
if (n_sliderLeft > n_pxMax)
n_sliderLeft = n_pxMax; = n_sliderLeft + 'px';
n_pxOffset = n_sliderLeft - o_slider.n_pathLeft;
if (o_slider.b_watch)
f_sliderMouseUp(e_event, 1);
return false;
if (window.f_savedMouseMove)
return window.f_savedMouseMove(e_event);
function f_sliderSaveTouch (e_event) {
if (!e_event || !e_event.touches) return;
var e_touch = e_event.touches[0] || e_event.changedTouches[0];
window.n_mouseX = e_touch.pageX;
window.n_mouseY = e_touch.pageY;
// get the scroller positions of the page
function f_scrollLeft() {
return f_filterResults (
window.pageXOffset ? window.pageXOffset : 0,
document.documentElement ? document.documentElement.scrollLeft : 0,
document.body ? document.body.scrollLeft : 0
function f_scrollTop() {
return f_filterResults (
window.pageYOffset ? window.pageYOffset : 0,
document.documentElement ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : 0,
document.body ? document.body.scrollTop : 0
function f_filterResults(n_win, n_docel, n_body) {
var n_result = n_win ? n_win : 0;
if (n_docel && (!n_result || (n_result > n_docel)))
n_result = n_docel;
return n_body && (!n_result || (n_result > n_body)) ? n_body : n_result;
function f_sliderError (n_id, s_message) {
alert("Slider #" + n_id + " Error:\n" + s_message);
window.n_activeSliderId = null;
get_element = document.all ?
function (s_id) { return document.all[s_id] } :
function (s_id) { return document.getElementById(s_id) };
function GetURLParameter(sParam){
var erg = false;
var sPageURL =;
var sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&');
for (var i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++){
var sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('=');
if (sParameterName[0] == sParam){
erg = sParameterName[1];
return erg;
function loggen(){
var url = window.location.origin+'?page='+GetURLParameter('page')+'&anzahl='+$('#anzahl').val()+'&sort='+$('#sort').val();
window.location.href = url;
function Parameter(){
var anzahl = GetURLParameter('anzahl');
var sort = GetURLParameter('sort');
if(!sort){ sort = 0;}
if(!anzahl){ anzahl = 1;}
var countdownfunc = function(elem, ende, endstring)
if(typeof endstring == 'undefined'){
endstring = '<font color="#01DF01">Startseite bereit</font>';
var output = endstring;
var timeDiff = (parseInt(ende)) - (parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1000));
if(timeDiff > 0){
output = '';
if(timeDiff > 3600){
output += parseInt(timeDiff/3600) + 'h ';
timeDiff = timeDiff%3600; //Modulo, teile durch eine stunde und speichere den rest
if(timeDiff > 60){
output += parseInt(timeDiff/60) + 'm ';
timeDiff = timeDiff%60;//... und merk dir den rest
output += timeDiff + 's';
setTimeout(function() {countdownfunc(elem, ende, endstring);},1000);
elem.innerHTML = output;
\ No newline at end of file
Stylesheet for Tigra Calendar v5.0
Product is Public Domain (Free for any kind of applicaiton, customization and derivative works are allowed)
- all image paths are relative to path of stylesheet
- the styles below can be moved into the document or in existing stylesheet
/* input box in default state */
.tcalInput {
background: url('img/cal.gif') 100% 50% no-repeat;
padding-right: 20px;
cursor: pointer;
/* additional properties for input boxe in activated state, above still applies unless in conflict */
.tcalActive {
background-image: url('img/no_cal.gif');
/* container of calendar's pop-up */
#tcal {
position: absolute;
visibility: hidden;
z-index: 100;
width: 170px;
background-color: white;
margin-top: 2px;
padding: 0 2px 2px 2px;
border: 1px solid silver;
-moz-box-shadow: 3px 3px 4px silver;
-webkit-box-shadow: 3px 3px 4px silver;
box-shadow: 3px 3px 4px silver;
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Strength=4, Direction=135, Color='silver')";
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(Strength=4, Direction=135, Color='silver');
/* table containing navigation and current month */
#tcalControls {
border-collapse: collapse;
border: 0;
width: 100%;
#tcalControls td {
border-collapse: collapse;
border: 0;
padding: 0;
width: 16px;
background-position: 50% 50%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
cursor: pointer;
#tcalControls th {
border-collapse: collapse;
border: 0;
padding: 0;
line-height: 25px;
font-size: 10px;
text-align: center;
font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
white-space: nowrap;
#tcalPrevYear { background-image: url('img/prev_year.gif'); }
#tcalPrevMonth { background-image: url('img/prev_mon.gif'); }
#tcalNextMonth { background-image: url('img/next_mon.gif'); }
#tcalNextYear { background-image: url('img/next_year.gif'); }
/* table containing week days header and calendar grid */
#tcalGrid {
border-collapse: collapse;
border: 1px solid silver;
width: 100%;
#tcalGrid th {
border: 1px solid silver;
border-collapse: collapse;
padding: 3px 0;
text-align: center;
font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;
font-size: 10px;
background-color: gray;
color: white;
#tcalGrid td {
border: 0;
border-collapse: collapse;
padding: 2px 0;
text-align: center;
font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;
width: 14%;
font-size: 11px;
cursor: pointer;
#tcalGrid td.tcalOtherMonth { color: silver; }
#tcalGrid td.tcalWeekend { background-color: #ACD6F5; }
#tcalGrid td.tcalToday { border: 1px solid red; }
#tcalGrid td.tcalSelected { background-color: #FFB3BE; }
// Tigra Calendar v5.2 (11/20/2011)
// License: Public Domain... You're welcome.
// default settins - this structure can be moved in separate file in multilangual applications
var A_TCALCONF = {
'cssprefix' : 'tcal',
'months' : ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
'weekdays' : ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa'],
'longwdays' : ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'],
'yearscroll' : true, // show year scroller
'weekstart' : 0, // first day of week: 0-Su or 1-Mo
'prevyear' : 'Previous Year',
'nextyear' : 'Next Year',
'prevmonth' : 'Previous Month',
'nextmonth' : 'Next Month',
'format' : 'm/d/Y' // 'd-m-Y', Y-m-d', 'l, F jS Y'
// A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
{'t': 'Y', 'r': '19\\d{2}|20\\d{2}', 'p': function (d_date, n_value) { d_date.setFullYear(Number(n_value)); return d_date; }, 'g': function (d_date) { var n_year = d_date.getFullYear(); return n_year; }},
// Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros
{'t': 'm', 'r': '0?[1-9]|1[0-2]', 'p': function (d_date, n_value) { d_date.setMonth(Number(n_value) - 1); return d_date; }, 'g': function (d_date) { var n_month = d_date.getMonth() + 1; return (n_month < 10 ? '0' : '') + n_month }},
// A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March
{'t': 'F', 'r': A_TCALCONF.months.join('|'), 'p': function (d_date, s_value) { for (var m = 0; m < 12; m++) if (A_TCALCONF.months[m] == s_value) { d_date.setMonth(m); return d_date; }}, 'g': function (d_date) { return A_TCALCONF.months[d_date.getMonth()]; }},
// Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
{'t': 'd', 'r': '0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]', 'p': function (d_date, n_value) { d_date.setDate(Number(n_value)); if (d_date.getDate() != n_value) d_date.setDate(0); return d_date }, 'g': function (d_date) { var n_date = d_date.getDate(); return (n_date < 10 ? '0' : '') + n_date; }},
// Day of the month without leading zeros
{'t': 'j', 'r': '0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]', 'p': function (d_date, n_value) { d_date.setDate(Number(n_value)); if (d_date.getDate() != n_value) d_date.setDate(0); return d_date }, 'g': function (d_date) { var n_date = d_date.getDate(); return n_date; }},
// A full textual representation of the day of the week
{'t': 'l', 'r': A_TCALCONF.longwdays.join('|'), 'p': function (d_date, s_value) { return d_date }, 'g': function (d_date) { return A_TCALCONF.longwdays[d_date.getDay()]; }},
// English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters
{'t': 'S', 'r': 'st|nd|rd|th', 'p': function (d_date, s_value) { return d_date }, 'g': function (d_date) { n_date = d_date.getDate(); if (n_date % 10 == 1 && n_date != 11) return 'st'; if (n_date % 10 == 2 && n_date != 12) return 'nd'; if (n_date % 10 == 3 && n_date != 13) return 'rd'; return 'th'; }}
function f_tcalGetHTML (d_date) {
var e_input = f_tcalGetInputs(true);
if (!e_input) return;
var s_pfx = A_TCALCONF.cssprefix,
s_format = A_TCALCONF.format;
// today from config or client date
var d_today = f_tcalParseDate(, A_TCALCONF.format);
if (!d_today)
d_today = f_tcalResetTime(new Date());
// selected date from input or config or today
var d_selected = f_tcalParseDate(e_input.value, s_format);
if (!d_selected)
d_selected = f_tcalParseDate(A_TCALCONF.selected, A_TCALCONF.format);
if (!d_selected)
d_selected = new Date(d_today);
// show calendar for passed or selected date
d_date = d_date ? f_tcalResetTime(d_date) : new Date(d_selected);
var d_firstDay = new Date(d_date);
d_firstDay.setDate(1 - (7 + d_firstDay.getDay() - A_TCALCONF.weekstart) % 7);
var a_class, s_html = '<table id="' + s_pfx + 'Controls"><tbody><tr>'
+ (A_TCALCONF.yearscroll ? '<td id="' + s_pfx + 'PrevYear" ' + f_tcalRelDate(d_date, -1, 'y') + ' title="' + A_TCALCONF.prevyear + '"></td>' : '')
+ '<td id="' + s_pfx + 'PrevMonth"' + f_tcalRelDate(d_date, -1) + ' title="' + A_TCALCONF.prevmonth + '"></td><th>'
+ A_TCALCONF.months[d_date.getMonth()] + ' ' + d_date.getFullYear()
+ '</th><td id="' + s_pfx + 'NextMonth"' + f_tcalRelDate(d_date, 1) + ' title="' + A_TCALCONF.nextmonth + '"></td>'
+ (A_TCALCONF.yearscroll ? '<td id="' + s_pfx + 'NextYear"' + f_tcalRelDate(d_date, 1, 'y') + ' title="' + A_TCALCONF.nextyear + '"></td>' : '')
+ '</tr></tbody></table><table id="' + s_pfx + 'Grid"><tbody><tr>';
// print weekdays titles
for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++)
s_html += '<th>' + A_TCALCONF.weekdays[(A_TCALCONF.weekstart + i) % 7] + '</th>';
s_html += '</tr>' ;
// print calendar table
var n_date, n_month, d_current = new Date(d_firstDay);
while (d_current.getMonth() == d_date.getMonth() ||
d_current.getMonth() == d_firstDay.getMonth()) {
s_html +='<tr>';
for (var n_wday = 0; n_wday < 7; n_wday++) {
a_class = [];
n_date = d_current.getDate();
n_month = d_current.getMonth();
if (d_current.getMonth() != d_date.getMonth())
a_class[a_class.length] = s_pfx + 'OtherMonth';
if (d_current.getDay() == 0 || d_current.getDay() == 6)
a_class[a_class.length] = s_pfx + 'Weekend';
if (d_current.valueOf() == d_today.valueOf())
a_class[a_class.length] = s_pfx + 'Today';
if (d_current.valueOf() == d_selected.valueOf())
a_class[a_class.length] = s_pfx + 'Selected';
s_html += '<td' + f_tcalRelDate(d_current) + (a_class.length ? ' class="' + a_class.join(' ') + '">' : '>') + n_date + '</td>';
s_html +='</tr>';
s_html +='</tbody></table>';
return s_html;
function f_tcalRelDate (d_date, d_diff, s_units) {
var s_units = (s_units == 'y' ? 'FullYear' : 'Month');
var d_result = new Date(d_date);
if (d_diff) {
d_result['set' + s_units](d_date['get' + s_units]() + d_diff);
if (d_result.getDate() != d_date.getDate())
return ' onclick="f_tcalUpdate(' + d_result.valueOf() + (d_diff ? ',1' : '') + ')"';
function f_tcalResetTime (d_date) {
return d_date;
// closes calendar and returns all inputs to default state
function f_tcalCancel () {
var s_pfx = A_TCALCONF.cssprefix;
var e_cal = document.getElementById(s_pfx);
if (e_cal) = '';
var a_inputs = f_tcalGetInputs();
for (var n = 0; n < a_inputs.length; n++)
f_tcalRemoveClass(a_inputs[n], s_pfx + 'Active');
function f_tcalUpdate (n_date, b_keepOpen) {
var e_input = f_tcalGetInputs(true);
if (!e_input) return;
d_date = new Date(n_date);
var s_pfx = A_TCALCONF.cssprefix;
if (b_keepOpen) {
var e_cal = document.getElementById(s_pfx);
if (!e_cal || != 'visible') return;
e_cal.innerHTML = f_tcalGetHTML(d_date, e_input);
else {
e_input.value = f_tcalGenerateDate(d_date, A_TCALCONF.format);
function f_tcalOnClick () {
// see if already opened
var s_pfx = A_TCALCONF.cssprefix;
var s_activeClass = s_pfx + 'Active';
var b_close = f_tcalHasClass(this, s_activeClass);
// close all clalendars
if (b_close) return;
// get position of input
f_tcalAddClass(this, s_activeClass);
var n_left = f_getPosition (this, 'Left'),
n_top = f_getPosition (this, 'Top') + this.offsetHeight;
var e_cal = document.getElementById(s_pfx);
if (!e_cal) {
e_cal = document.createElement('div');
e_cal.onselectstart = function () { return false }; = s_pfx;
e_cal.innerHTML = f_tcalGetHTML(null); = n_top + 'px'; = (n_left + this.offsetWidth - e_cal.offsetWidth) + 'px'; = 'visible';
function f_tcalParseDate (s_date, s_format) {
if (!s_date) return;
var s_char, s_regexp = '^', a_tokens = {}, a_options, n_token = 0;
for (var n = 0; n < s_format.length; n++) {
s_char = s_format.charAt(n);
if (A_TCALTOKENS_IDX[s_char]) {
a_tokens[s_char] = ++n_token;
s_regexp += '(' + A_TCALTOKENS_IDX[s_char]['r'] + ')';
else if (s_char == ' ')
s_regexp += '\\s';
s_regexp += (s_char.match(/[\w\d]/) ? '' : '\\') + s_char;
var r_date = new RegExp(s_regexp + '$');
if (!s_date.match(r_date)) return;
var s_val, d_date = f_tcalResetTime(new Date());
for (n = 0; n < A_TCALTOKENS.length; n++) {
s_char = A_TCALTOKENS[n]['t'];
if (!a_tokens[s_char])
s_val = RegExp['$' + a_tokens[s_char]];
d_date = A_TCALTOKENS[n]['p'](d_date, s_val);
return d_date;
function f_tcalGenerateDate (d_date, s_format) {
var s_char, s_date = '';
for (var n = 0; n < s_format.length; n++) {
s_char = s_format.charAt(n);
s_date += A_TCALTOKENS_IDX[s_char] ? A_TCALTOKENS_IDX[s_char]['g'](d_date) : s_char;
return s_date;
function f_tcalGetInputs (b_active) {
var a_inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input'),
e_input, s_rel, a_result = [];
for (n = 0; n < a_inputs.length; n++) {
e_input = a_inputs[n];
if (!e_input.type || e_input.type != 'text')
if (!f_tcalHasClass(e_input, 'tcal'))
if (b_active && f_tcalHasClass(e_input, A_TCALCONF.cssprefix + 'Active'))
return e_input;
a_result[a_result.length] = e_input;
return b_active ? null : a_result;
function f_tcalHasClass (e_elem, s_class) {
var s_classes = e_elem.className;
if (!s_classes)
return false;
var a_classes = s_classes.split(' ');
for (var n = 0; n < a_classes.length; n++)
if (a_classes[n] == s_class)
return true;
return false;
function f_tcalAddClass (e_elem, s_class) {
if (f_tcalHasClass (e_elem, s_class))
var s_classes = e_elem.className;
e_elem.className = (s_classes ? s_classes + ' ' : '') + s_class;
function f_tcalRemoveClass (e_elem, s_class) {
var s_classes = e_elem.className;
if (!s_classes || s_classes.indexOf(s_class) == -1)
return false;
var a_classes = s_classes.split(' '),
a_newClasses = [];
for (var n = 0; n < a_classes.length; n++) {
if (a_classes[n] == s_class)
a_newClasses[a_newClasses.length] = a_classes[n];
e_elem.className = a_newClasses.join(' ');
return true;
function f_getPosition (e_elemRef, s_coord) {
var n_pos = 0, n_offset,
e_elem = e_elemRef;
while (e_elem) {
n_offset = e_elem["offset" + s_coord];
n_pos += n_offset;
e_elem = e_elem.offsetParent;
e_elem = e_elemRef;
while (e_elem != document.body) {
n_offset = e_elem["scroll" + s_coord];
if (n_offset && == 'scroll')
n_pos -= n_offset;
e_elem = e_elem.parentNode;
return n_pos;
function f_tcalInit () {
if (!document.getElementsByTagName)
var e_input, a_inputs = f_tcalGetInputs();
for (var n = 0; n < a_inputs.length; n++) {
e_input = a_inputs[n];
e_input.onclick = f_tcalOnClick;
f_tcalAddClass(e_input, A_TCALCONF.cssprefix + 'Input');
window.A_TCALTOKENS_IDX = {};
for (n = 0; n < A_TCALTOKENS.length; n++)
function f_tcalAddOnload (f_func) {
if (document.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener('load', f_func, false);
else if (window.attachEvent) {
window.attachEvent('onload', f_func);
else {
var f_onLoad = window.onload;
if (typeof window.onload != 'function') {
window.onload = f_func;
else {
window.onload = function() {
f_tcalAddOnload (f_tcalInit);
var A_TPL = {
'b_vertical' : false,
'b_watch': true,
'n_controlWidth': 120,
'n_controlHeight': 16,
'n_sliderWidth': 16,
'n_sliderHeight': 15,
'n_pathLeft' : 1,
'n_pathTop' : 1,
'n_pathLength' : 103,
's_imgControl': 'js/img/blueh_bg.gif',
's_imgSlider': 'js/img/blueh_sl.gif',
'n_zIndex': 1
var A_INIT1 = {
's_form' : 0,
's_name': 'sliderValue1',
'n_minValue' : 0,
'n_maxValue' : 50,
'n_value' : 1,
'n_step' : 1
new slider(A_INIT1, A_TPL);
\ No newline at end of file
var A_TPL = {
'b_vertical' : false,
'b_watch': true,
'n_controlWidth': 120,
'n_controlHeight': 16,
'n_sliderWidth': 16,
'n_sliderHeight': 15,
'n_pathLeft' : 1,
'n_pathTop' : 1,
'n_pathLength' : 103,
's_imgControl': 'js/img/blueh_bg.gif',
's_imgSlider': 'js/img/blueh_sl.gif',
'n_zIndex': 1
var A_INIT1 = {
's_form' : 0,
's_name': 'sliderValue2',
'n_minValue' : 0,
'n_maxValue' : 50,
'n_value' : 1,
'n_step' : 1
new slider(A_INIT1, A_TPL);
\ No newline at end of file
require_once( 'db_config.php');
require_once( 'class/db.class.php');
require_once( 'var.php');
$grundconfig = $datenbank->get_row("SELECT * FROM ". PREFIX . CONFIG ." ",true);
require_once( 'session.lib.php');
require_once( 'lang/lang.'. $_SESSION['lang'] .'.php');
require_once ( 'functions.lib.php');
require_once ( '');
require_once ( 'layout.lib.php');
require_once ( 'extras.lib.php');
require_once ( 'extra/mail.php');
if (!isset($_GET['page']) || empty ($_GET['page'])) $_GET['page'] = '/intern/startseite';
if (!file_exists('page' . $_GET['page'] . '.php')) $_GET['page'] = '/error/keine_seite';
if ($_GET['page'] == '/intern/startseite') require_once ( 'texte/alt_startseitenpopup.txt');
if ($_GET['page'] == '/betteln') require_once ( 'texte/alt_bettelseitenpopup.txt');
$CountDownTime = 0;
$start_reload = "SELECT * FROM ". PREFIX . RELOAD ." WHERE uid = '".$datenbank->escape($_SESSION['uid']) ."' and tan = 'startseitenaufruf' and bis >= '". time() ."'";
if ($datenbank->num_rows($start_reload) != 0) {
$start = $datenbank->get_row($start_reload,true);
$CountDownTime = $start->bis;
\ No newline at end of file
$id = intval( $_GET['lastTimeID'] );
$jsonData = chatClass::getRestChatLines($id);
//db_query("INSERT INTO json (text) VALUES ('". $jsonData ."')");
print $jsonData;
\ No newline at end of file
$datenbank = Classloader('db');
$grundconfig = $datenbank->get_row("SELECT * FROM ". PREFIX . CONFIG ." ",true);
$id = intval( $_GET['lastTimeID'] );
$Class = Classloader('chat');
print $Class->getRestChatLines($id);
protected $uid;
protected $ak;
protected $werber;
private $db;
private $error = 0;
private $meldung;
private $post = array();
private $config;
private $session;
public function __construct(){
global $datenbank,$grundconfig,$_SESSION;
$this->db = $datenbank;
$this->config = $grundconfig;
$this->session = $_SESSION;
private function make_array($post){
foreach($post AS $key => $value){
if($key != '' && $value != ''){
$this->post[$key] = $this->db->escape($value);
function anmelden_los(){
global $_POST;
if($this->error == 0){
if($this->grundconfig->reg_free == 1){
if($this->error == 0){
return true;
return false;
function ak_senden(){
$betreff = "Ihre Anmeldung auf ". $this->config->seitenname;
$email_message = 'Hallo ' . $this->post['nickname'] . ',
Du hast Dich soeben erfolgreich bei ' . $this->config->seitenname . ' angemeldet.
Bitte aktiviere jetzt Deinen Account, klicke dazu bitte auf den
Aktivierungslink: ' . $this->config->domain . '/?page=/intern/aktivieren&ak=' . $this->ak . '
Kontonummer: ' . $this->uid . '
Passwort: Ihnen bekannt*
Nach der Aktivierung kannst Du dich sofort einloggen und bei
uns teilnehmen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Das ' . $this->config->seitenname . ' Team
$Class = Classloader('mail');
function aktivierung(){
$this->ak = md5($this->uid . time() );
$insert = array(
"uid" => $this->uid,
"ak" => $this->ak
$this->db->insert(PREFIX . AKT , $insert);
function nickpage(){
$insert = array(
"uid" => $this->uid
$this->db->insert(PREFIX . NICKP, $insert);
function werber(){
$insert = array(
"uid" => $this->uid,
"werber" => $this->session['werber'],
"umsatz" => 0,
"zuordnungszeit" => time()
$this->db->insert(PREFIX . WERBER , $insert);
function user(){
$insert = array(
"uid" => $this->uid,
"nickname" => $this->post['nickname'],
"vorname" => $this->post['vorname'],
"nachname" => $this->post['nachname'],
"angemeldet_seit" => time(),
"bdate" => $this->bdate($this->post['bdate'])
$this->db->insert(PREFIX . USER , $insert);
function konto(){
$pw = pw_erstellen($this->post['password1']);
$this->db->insert(PREFIX . KONTO, array("passwort" => $pw, "status" => 0));
$this->uid = $this->db->lastid();
function email(){
$insert = array(
"uid" => $this->uid,
"emailadresse" => $this->post['emailadresse'],
"freigabe_fuer" => $this->post['newsletter']
$this->db->insert(PREFIX . EMAIL , $insert);
function bdate($date){
$explode = explode(".",$date,100);
$bdate = strtotime($date.'T 00:00:00');
return $bdate;
function pruef(){
if(empty($this->post['nachname'])){ $this->error = 1; $this->meldung .= ANMELDEN_NAME_FALSE;}
if(empty($this->post['bdate'])){ $this->error = 1; $this->meldung .= ANMELDEN_GEB_FALSE;}
if(empty($this->post['vorname'])){ $this->error = 1; $this->meldung .= ANMELDEN_VORNAME_FALSE;}
if($this->post['agb'] != "ja"){ $this->error = 1; $this->meldung .= ANEMLDEN_AGB_FALSE; }
function mail_denied($mail){
$denied = explode(';', $this->config->denied_domains);
if($this->config->ip_erlaubt != ''){
$ip_denied = explode(',', $this->config->ip_erlaubt);
$this->error = 1;
$this->meldung .= ANMELDEN_IP_FALSE;}
foreach ($denied AS $nr => $emaildomain){
if (($nr < (count ($denied) - 2) || strlen ($emaildomain) >= 5) && strpos ($mail, $emaildomain) !== false){
$this->error = 1;
function mailadresse($mail){
if(!filter_var( $mail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL )) { $this->error = 1; $this->meldung .= ANMELDEN_EMAIL_FALSE;}
$select = $this->db->num_rows("SELECT * FROM ". PREFIX . EMAIL ." WHERE emailadresse = '$mail' ");
if($select == true){
$this->error = 1;
$this->meldung .= ANMELDEN_MAIL_EXIST;
function pass($pass1,$pass2){
if(empty($pass1)){ $this->error = 1; $this->meldung .= ANMELDEN_PASS1_FALSE;}
if(empty($pass2)){ $this->error = 1; $this->meldung .= ANMELDEN_PASS2_FALSE;}
if($pass1 != $pass2){ $this->error = 1; $this->meldung .= ANMELDEN_PASS_KONTROLLE_FALSE;}
if(strlen($pass1) < 8){ $this->error = 1; $this->meldung .= ANMELDEN_PASS_SHORT; }
function nickname($nick){
if(empty($nick)){$this->error = 1; $this->meldung = ANMELDEN_NICKNAME_FALSE;}
$select = $this->db->exists(PREFIX . USER , 'nickname', array("nickname" => $nick));
if($select == true){
$this->error = 1;
$this->meldung .= ANMLEDEN_NICKNAME_EXIST;
class bettel{
private $db;
private $session = array();
private $gconfig;
private $config;
private $uid = 0;
private $error = 0;
private $meldung = '';
private $cookie = 0;
private $ip;
private $refferer;
private $server;
private $url;
function __construct(){
global $_SESSION,$datenbank,$grundconfig,$_SERVER;
$this->url = new stdClass;
$this->db = $datenbank;
$this->session = $this->db->escape($_SESSION);
$this->gconfig = $grundconfig;
$this->ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$this->refferer = $this->db->escape($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
$this->refferer = 'direktaufruf';
public function Top25(){
$aus = '';
$rang = 1;
$result = $this->db->get_results('SELECT k.uid, k.angebettelt,, u.nickname FROM ' . PREFIX . KONTO . ' k LEFT JOIN ' . PREFIX . USER . ' u ON u.uid = k.uid WHERE k.angebettelt > 0 ORDER BY angebettelt DESC LIMIT 25');
foreach($result AS $res){
$aus .= '
<td>' . $rang++ . '.&nbsp;</td>
<td>&nbsp;' . $res->nickname . '</td>
<td align="right">' . number_format($res->angebettelt, 0) . '&nbsp;</td>
<td align="right">' . number_format($res->bv, 2, ',', '.') . ' ' . $this->config->waehrung . '&nbsp;</td>
return $aus;
private function AngebetteltPruef(){
if($this->session['uid'] == $this->uid || $this->uid == $this->cookie){
$this->error = 1;
$this->meldung = BETTEL_SELF_TRUE;
private function ReloadCheck(){
if($this->db->num_rows("SELECT bis FROM " . PREFIX . RELOAD . " WHERE ip = '$this->ip' and tan = 'bettelaufruf' and bis >= " . time() . " LIMIT 1") == 1){
$this->error = 1;
$this->meldung = BETTEL_RELOAD_TRUE;
private function BettelSperre(){
if($this->db->num_rows("SELECT uid FROM ". PREFIX . KONTO ." WHERE uid = '$this->uid' AND bettel_sperre = '1' ") != 0){
$this->error = 1;
$this->meldung = BETTEL_SPERRE_TRUE;
private function CheckReferer(){
$this->server['HTTP_REFERER'] = 'kein Referer';
$this->url->host = 'direktaufruf';
$url = parse_url($this->server);
$this->url->host = $url['host'];
private function BettelAuszahlung(){
$bettelsumme = rand($this->gconfig->min_betteln * 100, $this->gconfig->max_betteln * 100) / 100;
$new_reload = time() + $this->gconfig->reload_betteln;
$bettelb = array(
"uid" => $this->uid,
"refferer" => $this->server['HTTP_REFERER'],
"url" => 'https://'.$this->url->host,
"betrag" => $bettelsumme,
"zeit" => time(),
"status" => 1
//$this->db->insert(PREFIX . RELOAD, array("ip" => $this->ip,"uid" => $this->uid ,"tan" => 'bettelaufruf',"bis" => $new_reload) );
if($this->gconfig->bettel_direkt == 1 && $this->db->num_rows("SELECT id FROM ". PREFIX . BETTELURLS ." WHERE url = '". $bettelb['refferer'] ."' ") == 0){
$this->db->query("UPDATE ". PREFIX . KONTO ." SET angebettelt = angebettelt + 1, bv = bv + $bettelsumme, kontostand_a = kontostand_a + $bettelsumme WHERE uid = '$this->uid' ");
$bilanz = Classloader('bilanz');
refumsatz ($bettelsumme, $this->uid);
rallysystem ($this->uid, '6', $bettelsumme);
$this->meldung = '<b>Du hast für den User ' . $this->uid . ' gerade ' . $bettelsumme . ' ' . $this->gconfig->waehrung . ' erbettelt!</b>';
$bettelb['status'] = 0;
$this->meldung = 'Leider konnte dein Aufruf nicht gewertet werden, da du keinen Referer &uuml;bergeben hast.';
$this->db->insert(PREFIX . BETTELB, $bettelb,1);
public function BettelAufruf($get,$cookie,$server){
$this->server = $server;
if(is_numeric($cookie['uid'])){$this->cookie = $cookie['uid'];}
if(is_numeric($get['ref'])){ $this->uid = $get['ref'];}
if($this->gconfig->reload_betteln > 0){
if($this->error == 0){ $this->ReloadCheck();}
if($this->error == 0){ $this->BettelSperre();}
if($this->error == 0){ $this->BettelAuszahlung();}
$this->error = 1;
$this->meldung = BETTEL_NOT_ACTIVE;
return $aus = array("error" => $this->error, "meldung" => $this->meldung);
class bilanz{
private $db;
function __construct(){
global $datenbank;
$this->db = $datenbank;
* bilanz()
* @author
* @category system
* @example bilanz(100,0,Spiele,Slotname);
* @param number $ein einnahme
* @param number $aus ausgabe
* @param number $gruppe Die Gruppe in die die Bilanz fallen soll
* @param number $was Der Name der in der Gruppe angezeigt werden soll
* @return keine
public function bilanz ($ein,$aus,$gruppe,$name) {
if(empty($ein)){ $ein = 0;}
if(empty($aus)){ $aus = 0;}
$datum = mktime(0,0,0,date("m",time()),date("d",time()),date("Y",time()));
$array = array(
"ein" => $this->db->escape($ein),
"aus" => $this->db->escape($aus),
"datum" => $datum,
"gruppe" => $this->db->escape($gruppe),
"name" => $this->db->escape($name)
$query = "SELECT id,ein,aus FROM ". PREFIX . BILANZ ." WHERE datum = '". $datum ."' AND name = '". $name ."' ";
if($this->db->num_rows($query) == 0){
$this->db->insert(PREFIX . BILANZ,$array);
$row = $this->db->get_row($query,true);
$ein_neu = $row->ein + $array['ein'];
$aus_neu = $row->aus + $array['aus'];
$this->db->update(PREFIX . BILANZ,array("aus" => $aus_neu, "ein" => $ein_neu), array("datum" => $datum, "name" => $name));
class buchungsliste{
private $db;
private $minus = 1;
private $seiteAktuell;
private $SitesComplete;
private $extVariables;
private $session = array();
private $config;
function __construct(){
global $_GET,$datenbank,$_SESSION,$grundconfig;
$this->db = $datenbank;
$this->session = $this->db->escape($_SESSION);
$this->config = $grundconfig;
if(isset($_GET['minus']) && is_numeric($_GET['minus'])){ $this->minus = $_GET['minus'];}
public function get_results(){
$result = $this->db->get_results("SELECT * FROM ". PREFIX . BUCH ." WHERE uid = '". $this->session['uid'] ."' ORDER BY id DESC");
$aus = '
<table class="table" id="Buchungsliste">
foreach($result AS $res){
$aus .= '
<td>'. $res->id .'</td>
<td>'. date("d.m.Y", $res->buchungszeit) .'</td>
<td>'. date("H:i", $res->buchungszeit) .'</td>
<td>'. number_format($res->buchungsmenge,2,',','.') .'</td>
<td>'. $res->verwendungszweck .'</td>
<td>'. $res->buchungs_id .'</td>
$aus .= '
return $aus;
class chatClass{
public static function getRestChatLines($id){
global $db_host,$db_user,$db_pass,$db_base;
class chat{
private $db;
private $session = array();
private $array = array();
private $error = 0;
private $meldung = '';
private $ChatSetting;
private $konto;
private $post;
private $smiley = array();
function __construct(){
global $datenbank,$_SESSION,$konto,$_POST;
$this->db = $datenbank;
$this->session = $this->db->escape($_SESSION);
$this->ChatSetting = $this->db->get_row("SELECT sb_reload,sb_verguetung FROM ". PREFIX . CHATSE ." ",true);
$this->konto = $konto;
foreach($_POST AS $key => $value){
if($key == 'inhalt'){
$this->post[$key] = $this->db->escape($value);
foreach($this->db->get_results("SELECT * FROM ". PREFIX . CHATP ." ") AS $res){
$this->smiley[$res->kurz] = '<img src="images/chat/'. $res->pic .'" alt="'. $res->kurz .'">';
private function ChattextSmiley($text){
return strtr($text,$this->smiley);
public function getRestChatLines($id){
$arr = array();
$jsonData = '{"results":[';
$db_connection = new mysqli( $db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_base);
$db_connection = new mysqli( DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_BASS);
$db_connection->query( "SET NAMES 'UTF8'" );
$statement = $db_connection->prepare( "SELECT id, absender, nachricht, time FROM vms_chat WHERE id > ? ");
$statement = $db_connection->prepare( "SELECT id, absender, nachricht, time FROM ". PREFIX . CHAT ." WHERE id > ?");
$statement->bind_param( 'i', $id);
$statement->bind_result( $id, $usrname, $chattext, $chattime);
......@@ -15,8 +46,9 @@ class chatClass{
while ($statement->fetch()) {
$line->id = $id;
$line->usrname = $usrname;
$line->chattext = $chattext;
$line->chattext = $this->ChattextSmiley($chattext);
$line->chattime = date('H:i:s', $chattime);
$line->userpic = IMGtoBase64($this->UserPic($usrname));
$arr[] = json_encode($line);
......@@ -25,16 +57,137 @@ class chatClass{
$jsonData .= ']}';
return $jsonData;
private function UserPic($user){
$rowpic = $this->db->get_row("SELECT ava FROM ". PREFIX . USER ." WHERE nickname = '". $user ."' ");
if($rowpic[0] == ''){
$bild = 'default.png';
$bild = $rowpic[0];
return $bild;
public static function setChatLines( $chattext, $usrname, $color) {
global $db_host,$db_user,$db_pass,$db_base;
$db_connection = new mysqli( $db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_base);
$db_connection = new mysqli( DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_BASS);
$db_connection->query( "SET NAMES 'UTF8'" );
$statement = $db_connection->prepare( "INSERT INTO chat( usrname, color, chattext) VALUES(?, ?, ?)");
$statement = $db_connection->prepare( "INSERT INTO ". PREFIX . CHAT ."( usrname, color, chattext) VALUES(?, ?, ?)");
$statement->bind_param( 'sss', $usrname, $color, $chattext);
private function make_array($post){
foreach($post AS $key => $value){
if($key != '' && $value != 'Senden'){
$this->post[$key] = $this->db->escape($value);
private function InsertPruef(){
$sperre = $this->db->get_row("SELECT chat_sperre FROM ". PREFIX . KONTO ." WHERE uid = '". $this->session['uid'] ."' ",true);
if($sperre->chat_sperre == '1'){ $this->error = 1; $this->meldung = 'Du bist für den Chat gesperrt.';}
if(empty($this->post['inhalt'])){ $this->error = 1; $this->meldung = 'Bitte Text eingeben.';}
if($this->session['uid'] <= 0){ $this->error = 1; $this->meldung = 'Ung&uuml;ltige User-ID.';}
private function InsertPunkte(){
if($this->db->num_rows("SELECT * FROM ". PREFIX . RELOAD ." WHERE uid = '". $this->session['uid'] ."' AND tan = 'sb_reload' AND bis > '". time() ."' ") == 0){
$this->konto->set_var($this->session['uid'],$this->ChatSetting->sb_verguetung,'+','Gutschrift chatbonus');
private function InsertChat(){
$user = $this->db->get_row("SELECT nickname FROM ". PREFIX . USER ." WHERE uid = '". $this->session['uid'] ."' ",true);
$InsertArray = array(
"absender" => $user->nickname,
"nachricht" => $this->post['inhalt'],
"time" => time()
$this->db->insert(PREFIX . CHAT,$InsertArray);
public function Insert($post){
if($this->error == 0){
private function Seiten(){
$aus = '<div class="btn-group" role="group" aria-label="Basic example">';
$anzahl = ceil($this->db->num_rows("SELECT id FROM ". PREFIX . CHAT ." ")/50);
for($i = 1; $i <= $anzahl; $i++){
$aus .= '<a href="?content=/chat/archiv&seite='. $i .'" class="btn btn-secondary">'. $i .'</a>';
$aus .= '</div>';
return $aus;
private function navigationsLeiste($seite,$art,$link){
$string = '';
$extVariables = '';
$SitesComplete = ceil($this->db->num_rows("SELECT id FROM ". PREFIX . CHAT ." ")/50);
$NavCeil = floor(NAV_LEISTE / 2);
if($seite > 1){
$string .= '<a class="btn btn-light" href="'. $link .'&'.$art.'=1'.$extVariables.'"><<</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
$string .= '<a class="btn btn-light" href="'. $link .'&'.$art.'='.($seite-1).$extVariables.'">
// Alle Seitenzahlen vor und nach der aktuellen Seite verlinken
if(($x>0 && $x<$seite) || ($x>$seite && $x<=$SitesComplete))
$string .= '<a class="btn btn-light" href="'. $link .'&'.$art.'='.$x.$extVariables.'">'.$x.'</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
$string .= '<button class="btn btn-primary" disabled="disabled">'.$x . '</button>';
if($seite < $SitesComplete){
$string .= '<a class="btn btn-light" href="'. $link .'&'.$art.'='.($seite+1).$extVariables.'">>
$string .= '<a class="btn btn-light" href="'. $link .'&'.$art.'='.$SitesComplete.$extVariables.'">>>
return $string;
public function Archive($seite){
$start = $seite * 50 - 50;
$aus = '<ul class="list-group">';
foreach($this->db->get_results("SELECT * FROM ". PREFIX . CHAT ." ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $start,50") AS $res){
$aus .= '
<li class="list-group-item">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-2 text-left">
<img alt="'. $res->absender .'" src="'. IMGtoBase64($this->UserPic($res->absender)) .'" class="img-thumbnail rounded-circle" width="30">'. $res->absender .'<br>
<small>'. date("d.m.Y H:i", $res->time) .'</small>
<div class="col-md-10 text-left">
'. $res->nachricht .'
$aus .= '</ul><hr>';
$aus .= '<div class="text-center">'.$this->navigationsLeiste($seite,"seite","?content=/chat/archiv").'</div>';
return $aus;
public function Smileys(){
$aus = '';
foreach($this->db->get_results("SELECT * FROM ". PREFIX . CHATP ." ") AS $res){
$aus .= '<img src="'. IMGtoBase64($res->pic, 'chat') .'" onclick="InputValueAdd(\''. $res->kurz .'\');" class="avatar img-circle img-thumbnail" alt="avatar">';
return $aus;
\ No newline at end of file
class daten{
private $mail;
private $db;
private $gconfig;
private $error;
private $meldung;
private $mail;
public function __construct(){
global $datenbank,$grundconfig;
$this->db = $datenbank;
$this->gconfig = $grundconfig;
$this->mail = Classloader('mail');
public function user_suche($mailad){
$user = $this->db->exists(PREFIX . EMAIL , 'uid', array("emailadresse" => $datenbank->escape($mailad) ));
if($user == true){
$u = $this->db->get_row("SELECT uid FROM ". PREFIX . EMAIL . " WHERE emailadresse = '". $datenbank->escape($mailad) ."' ", true);
$uid = $u->uid;
$error = 1;
public function pw_neu($user,$mailad){
$pw_roh = create_code(10);
$pw_neu = pw_erstellen($pw_roh);
if($this->db->update( PREFIX . KONTO , array("passwort" => $pw_neu), array("uid" => $user),1 ) == true){
$error = 1;
private function pw_update($mailad,$user,$pw){
$betreff = 'Anforderung Passwort';
$nachricht =
Du hast soeben die Zugangsdaten für '.$this->gconfig->seitenname.' angefordert.
Kontonummer: '.$user.'
Passwort: '.$pw.'
Jetzt kannst Du dich wieder auf '.$this->gconfig->domain.'
einloggen und das Passwort wieder ändern!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Das '.$grundconfig->seitenname.' Team
if($this->mail->senden($mailad,$betreff,$nachricht) == true){
$error = 0;
$error = 1;
return $error;
return $meldung;
\ No newline at end of file
class DB
private $link = null;
public $filter;
static $inst = null;
public static $counter = 0;
* Allow the class to send admins a message alerting them to errors
* on production sites
* @access public
* @param string $error
* @param string $query
* @return mixed
public function log_db_errors( $error, $query )
$message = '<p>Error at '. date('Y-m-d H:i:s').':</p>';
$message .= '<p>Query: '. htmlentities( $query ).'<br />';
$message .= 'Error: ' . $error;
$message .= '</p>';
if( defined( 'SEND_ERRORS_TO' ) )
$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'To: Admin <'.SEND_ERRORS_TO.'>' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'From: Yoursite <system@'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].'.com>' . "\r\n";
mail( SEND_ERRORS_TO, 'Database Error', $message, $headers );
trigger_error( $message );
if( !defined( 'DISPLAY_DEBUG' ) || ( defined( 'DISPLAY_DEBUG' ) && DISPLAY_DEBUG ) )
echo $message;
public function __construct()
mb_internal_encoding( 'UTF-8' );
mb_regex_encoding( 'UTF-8' );
mysqli_report( MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT );
try {
$this->link = new mysqli( DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_BASS );
$this->link->set_charset( "utf8" );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
die( 'Unable to connect to database' );
public function __destruct()
if( $this->link)
* Sanitize user data
* Example usage:
* $user_name = $database->filter( $_POST['user_name'] );
* Or to filter an entire array:
* $data = array( 'name' => $_POST['name'], 'email' => '' );
* $data = $database->filter( $data );
* @access public
* @param mixed $data
* @return mixed $data
public function filter( $data )
if( !is_array( $data ) )
$data = $this->link->real_escape_string( $data );
$data = trim( htmlentities( $data, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false ) );
//Self call function to sanitize array data
$data = array_map( array( $this, 'filter' ), $data );
return $data;
* Extra function to filter when only mysqli_real_escape_string is needed
* @access public
* @param mixed $data
* @return mixed $data
public function escape( $data )
if( !is_array( $data ) )
$data = $this->link->real_escape_string( $data );
//Self call function to sanitize array data
$data = array_map( array( $this, 'escape' ), $data );
return $data;
* Normalize sanitized data for display (reverse $database->filter cleaning)
* Example usage:
* echo $database->clean( $data_from_database );
* @access public
* @param string $data
* @return string $data
public function clean( $data )
$data = stripslashes( $data );
$data = html_entity_decode( $data, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' );
$data = nl2br( $data );
$data = urldecode( $data );
return $data;
* Determine if common non-encapsulated fields are being used
* Example usage:
* if( $database->db_common( $query ) )
* {
* //Do something
* }
* Used by function exists
* @access public
* @param string
* @param array
* @return bool
public function db_common( $value = '' )
if( is_array( $value ) )
foreach( $value as $v )
if( preg_match( '/AES_DECRYPT/i', $v ) || preg_match( '/AES_ENCRYPT/i', $v ) || preg_match( '/now()/i', $v ) )
return true;
return false;
if( preg_match( '/AES_DECRYPT/i', $value ) || preg_match( '/AES_ENCRYPT/i', $value ) || preg_match( '/now()/i', $value ) )
return true;
* Perform queries
* All following functions run through this function
* @access public
* @param string
* @return string
* @return array
* @return bool
public function query( $query )
$full_query = $this->link->query( $query );
if( $this->link->error )
$this->log_db_errors( $this->link->error, $query );
return false;
return true;
public function queryInstall( $query )
$full_query = $this->link->query( $query );
if( $this->link->error )
return true;
* Determine if database table exists
* Example usage:
* if( !$database->table_exists( 'checkingfortable' ) )
* {
* //Install your table or throw error
* }
* @access public
* @param string
* @return bool
public function table_exists( $name )
$check = $this->link->query( "SELECT 1 FROM $name" );
if($check !== false)
if( $check->num_rows > 0 )
return true;
return false;
return false;
* Count number of rows found matching a specific query
* Example usage:
* $rows = $database->num_rows( "SELECT id FROM users WHERE user_id = 44" );
* @access public
* @param string
* @return int
public function num_rows( $query )
$num_rows = $this->link->query( $query );
if( $this->link->error )
$this->log_db_errors( $this->link->error, $query );
return $this->link->error;
return $num_rows->num_rows;
* Run check to see if value exists, returns true or false
* Example Usage:
* $check_user = array(
* 'user_email' => '',
* 'user_id' => 48
* );
* $exists = $database->exists( 'your_table', 'user_id', $check_user );
* @access public
* @param string database table name
* @param string field to check (i.e. 'user_id' or COUNT(user_id))
* @param array column name => column value to match
* @return bool
public function exists( $table = '', $check_val = '', $params = array() )
if( empty($table) || empty($check_val) || empty($params) )
return false;
$check = array();
foreach( $params as $field => $value )
if( !empty( $field ) && !empty( $value ) )
//Check for frequently used mysql commands and prevent encapsulation of them
if( $this->db_common( $value ) )
$check[] = "$field = $value";
$check[] = "$field = '$value'";
$check = implode(' AND ', $check);
$rs_check = "SELECT $check_val FROM ".$table." WHERE $check";
$number = $this->num_rows( $rs_check );
if( $number === 0 )
return false;
return true;
* Return specific row based on db query
* Example usage:
* list( $name, $email ) = $database->get_row( "SELECT name, email FROM users WHERE user_id = 44" );
* @access public
* @param string
* @param bool $object (true returns results as objects)
* @return array
public function get_row( $query, $object = false )
$row = $this->link->query( $query );
if( $this->link->error )
$this->log_db_errors( $this->link->error, $query );
return false;
$r = ( !$object ) ? $row->fetch_row() : $row->fetch_object();
return $r;
* Perform query to retrieve array of associated results
* Example usage:
* $users = $database->get_results( "SELECT name, email FROM users ORDER BY name ASC" );
* foreach( $users as $user )
* {
* echo $user['name'] . ': '. $user['email'] .'<br />';
* }
* @access public
* @param string
* @param bool $object (true returns object)
* @return array
public function get_results( $query, $object = false )
//Overwrite the $row var to null
$row = null;
$results = $this->link->query( $query );
if( $this->link->error )
$this->log_db_errors( $this->link->error, $query );
return false;
$row = new stdClass();
$i = 1;
while( $r = ( !$object ) ? $results->fetch_object() : $results->fetch_object() )
$row->{$i} = $r;
return $row;
* Insert data into database table
* Example usage:
* $user_data = array(
* 'name' => 'Bennett',
* 'email' => '',
* 'active' => 1
* );
* $database->insert( 'users_table', $user_data );
* @access public
* @param string table name
* @param array table column => column value
* @return bool
public function insert( $table, $variables = array() )
//Make sure the array isn't empty
if( empty( $variables ) )
return false;
$sql = "INSERT INTO ". $table;
$fields = array();
$values = array();
foreach( $variables as $field => $value )
$fields[] = $field;
$values[] = "'".$value."'";
$fields = ' (' . implode(', ', $fields) . ')';
$values = '('. implode(', ', $values) .')';
$sql .= $fields .' VALUES '. $values;
$query = $this->link->query( $sql );
if( $this->link->error )
//return false;
$this->log_db_errors( $this->link->error, $sql );
return false;
return true;
* Insert data KNOWN TO BE SECURE into database table
* Ensure that this function is only used with safe data
* No class-side sanitizing is performed on values found to contain common sql commands
* As dictated by the db_common function
* All fields are assumed to be properly encapsulated before initiating this function
* @access public
* @param string table name
* @param array table column => column value
* @return bool
public function insert_safe( $table, $variables = array() )
//Make sure the array isn't empty
if( empty( $variables ) )
return false;
$sql = "INSERT INTO ". $table;
$fields = array();
$values = array();
foreach( $variables as $field => $value )
$fields[] = $this->filter( $field );
//Check for frequently used mysql commands and prevent encapsulation of them
$values[] = $value;
$fields = ' (' . implode(', ', $fields) . ')';
$values = '('. implode(', ', $values) .')';
$sql .= $fields .' VALUES '. $values;
$query = $this->link->query( $sql );
if( $this->link->error )
$this->log_db_errors( $this->link->error, $sql );
return false;
return true;
* Insert multiple records in a single query into a database table
* Example usage:
* $fields = array(
* 'name',
* 'email',
* 'active'
* );
* $records = array(
* array(
* 'Bennett', '', 1
* ),
* array(
* 'Lori', '', 0
* ),
* array(
* 'Nick', '', 1, 'This will not be added'
* ),
* array(
* 'Meghan', '', 1
* )
* );
* $database->insert_multi( 'users_table', $fields, $records );
* @access public
* @param string table name
* @param array table columns
* @param nested array records
* @return bool
* @return int number of records inserted
public function insert_multi( $table, $columns = array(), $records = array() )
//Make sure the arrays aren't empty
if( empty( $columns ) || empty( $records ) )
return false;
//Count the number of fields to ensure insertion statements do not exceed the same num
$number_columns = count( $columns );
//Start a counter for the rows
$added = 0;
//Start the query
$sql = "INSERT INTO ". $table;
$fields = array();
//Loop through the columns for insertion preparation
foreach( $columns as $field )
$fields[] = '`'.$field.'`';
$fields = ' (' . implode(', ', $fields) . ')';
//Loop through the records to insert
$values = array();
foreach( $records as $record )
//Only add a record if the values match the number of columns
if( count( $record ) == $number_columns )
$values[] = '(\''. implode( '\', \'', array_values( $record ) ) .'\')';
$values = implode( ', ', $values );
$sql .= $fields .' VALUES '. $values;
$query = $this->link->query( $sql );
if( $this->link->error )
$this->log_db_errors( $this->link->error, $sql );
return false;
return $added;
* Update data in database table
* Example usage:
* $update = array( 'name' => 'Not bennett', 'email' => '' );
* $update_where = array( 'user_id' => 44, 'name' => 'Bennett' );
* $database->update( 'users_table', $update, $update_where, 1 );
* @access public
* @param string table name
* @param array values to update table column => column value
* @param array where parameters table column => column value
* @param int limit
* @return bool
public function update( $table, $variables = array(), $where = array(), $limit = '' )
//Make sure the required data is passed before continuing
//This does not include the $where variable as (though infrequently)
//queries are designated to update entire tables
if( empty( $variables ) )
return false;
$sql = "UPDATE ". $table ." SET ";
foreach( $variables as $field => $value )
$updates[] = "`$field` = '$value'";
$sql .= implode(', ', $updates);
//Add the $where clauses as needed
if( !empty( $where ) )
foreach( $where as $field => $value )
$value = $value;
$clause[] = "$field = '$value'";
$sql .= ' WHERE '. implode(' AND ', $clause);
if( !empty( $limit ) )
$sql .= ' LIMIT '. $limit;
$query = $this->link->query( $sql );
if( $this->link->error )
$this->log_db_errors( $this->link->error, $sql );
return false;
return true;
* Delete data from table
* Example usage:
* $where = array( 'user_id' => 44, 'email' => '' );
* $database->delete( 'users_table', $where, 1 );
* @access public
* @param string table name
* @param array where parameters table column => column value
* @param int max number of rows to remove.
* @return bool
public function delete( $table, $where = array(), $limit = '' )
//Delete clauses require a where param, otherwise use "truncate"
if( empty( $where ) )
return false;
$sql = "DELETE FROM ". $table;
foreach( $where as $field => $value )
$value = $value;
$clause[] = "$field = '$value'";
$sql .= " WHERE ". implode(' AND ', $clause);
if( !empty( $limit ) )
$sql .= " LIMIT ". $limit;
$query = $this->link->query( $sql );
if( $this->link->error )
//return false; //
$this->log_db_errors( $this->link->error, $sql );
return false;
return true;
* Get last auto-incrementing ID associated with an insertion
* Example usage:
* $database->insert( 'users_table', $user );
* $last = $database->lastid();
* @access public
* @param none
* @return int
public function lastid()
return $this->link->insert_id;
* Return the number of rows affected by a given query
* Example usage:
* $database->insert( 'users_table', $user );
* $database->affected();
* @access public
* @param none
* @return int
public function affected()
return $this->link->affected_rows;
* Get number of fields
* Example usage:
* echo $database->num_fields( "SELECT * FROM users_table" );
* @access public
* @param query
* @return int
public function num_fields( $query )
$query = $this->link->query( $query );
$fields = $query->field_count;
return $fields;
* Get field names associated with a table
* Example usage:
* $fields = $database->list_fields( "SELECT * FROM users_table" );
* echo '<pre>';
* print_r( $fields );
* echo '</pre>';
* @access public
* @param query
* @return array
public function list_fields( $query )
$query = $this->link->query( $query );
$listed_fields = $query->fetch_fields();
return $listed_fields;
* Truncate entire tables
* Example usage:
* $remove_tables = array( 'users_table', 'user_data' );
* echo $database->truncate( $remove_tables );
* @access public
* @param array database table names
* @return int number of tables truncated
public function truncate( $tables = array() )
if( !empty( $tables ) )
$truncated = 0;
foreach( $tables as $table )
$truncate = "TRUNCATE TABLE `".trim($table)."`";
$this->link->query( $truncate );
if( !$this->link->error )
return $truncated;
* Output results of queries
* @access public
* @param string variable
* @param bool echo [true,false] defaults to true
* @return string
public function display( $variable, $echo = true )
$out = '';
if( !is_array( $variable ) )
$out .= $variable;
$out .= '<pre>';
$out .= print_r( $variable, TRUE );
$out .= '</pre>';
if( $echo === true )
echo $out;
return $out;
* Output the total number of queries
* Generally designed to be used at the bottom of a page after
* scripts have been run and initialized as needed
* Example usage:
* echo 'There were '. $database->total_queries() . ' performed';
* @access public
* @param none
* @return int
public function total_queries()
return self::$counter;
* Singleton function
* Example usage:
* $database = DB::getInstance();
* @access private
* @return self
static function getInstance()
if( self::$inst == null )
self::$inst = new DB();
return self::$inst;
* Disconnect from db server
* Called automatically from __destruct function
public function disconnect()
} //end class DB
require_once("lib/schnittstellen/".$_POST['id'] .".php");
class ein_aus_zahlung{
private $uid;
private $betrag;
private $pass;
private $schnitt;
private $m_konto;
private $art;
private $db;
private $session = array();
private $error = 0;
private $meldung;
private $array = array();
function __construct(){
global $datenbank,$_SESSION;
$this->db = $datenbank;
$this->session = $this->db->escape($_SESSION);
public function set_art($art){
$this->art = $art;
public function set_uid($uid){
if(!is_numeric($uid)){ $this->uid = 0; $error = 1;}else{ $this->uid = $uid;}
public function set_betrag($betrag){
if(!is_numeric($betrag)){ $this->betrag = 0; $this->error = 1;}else{ $this->betrag = $betrag;}
public function set_pass($pass){
$this->pass = $pass;
public function set_schnitt($id){
$this->schnitt = $id;
public function auszahlen($post){
$array = $this->make_array($post);
if($this->error == 0){
public function einzahlen($post){
$array = $this->make_array($post);
if($this->error == 0){
protected function zahlung(){
global $k_buchung,$trans_ausgabe;
$schnitt = $this->db->get_row("SELECT schnittstelle,betreiber_id,betreiber_passwort,betreiber_kennung,auszahltext,einzahltext,punktewert,wertepunkt FROM ". PREFIX . SCHNITT ." WHERE schnittstelle = '$this->schnitt' ",true);
if(file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/lib/schnittstellen/" . $schnitt->schnittstelle . ".php")){
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/lib/schnittstellen/" . $schnitt->schnittstelle . ".php");
if($this->art == 2){
$ausgabe = auszahlen ($schnitt->betreiber_id,$schnitt->betreiber_passwort,$this->m_konto,$this->pass,$schnitt->betreiber_kennung,$this->betrag * $schnitt->punktewert ,$schnitt->auszahltext,'');
$ausgabe = einzahlen($schnitt->betreiber_id,$schnitt->betreiber_passwort,$this->m_konto,$this->pass,$schnitt->betreiber_kennung,$this->betrag,$schnitt->einzahltext,'');
$this->db->insert(PREFIX . S_ANF , array("zeit" => time(), "uid" => $this->uid, "betrag" => $this->betrag, "art" => $this->art) );
if($this->error == 0 && $ausgabe == "Alles OK"){
if($this->art == 2){
$this->meldung = AUSZAHLUNG_TRUE;
$k_buchung->set_var($this->uid,$this->betrag / $schnitt->wertepunkt,'+',"Einzahlung");
$this->meldung = EINZAHLUNG_TRUE;
$this->error = 1;
$this->meldung = $trans_ausgabe;
$this->error = 1;
$this->meldung = 'Ladefehler';
private function schnitt_kont(){
$schnitt = $this->db->get_row("SELECT auszahlsumme,einzahlsumme,anfragen_user FROM ". PREFIX . SCHNITT ." WHERE schnittstelle = '$this->schnitt' ",true);
if($schnitt->anfragen_user != 0){ $error = 1; $meldung .= AUSZAHLUNG_ANFRAGEN_USER_FALSE;}
if($this->art == 2){
if($schnitt->auszahlsumme != 0){ if($schnitt->auszahlsumme > $this->betrag){ $this->error = 1; $this->meldung .= AUSZAHLUNG_BETRAG_HIGHT;}}
if($schnitt->einzahlsumme != 0){ if($schnitt->einzahlsumme > $this->betrag){ $this->error = 1; $this->meldung .= EINZAHLUNG_BETRAG_HIGHT;}}
private function multi_konto(){
$results = $this->db->get_results("SELECT kontoid FROM ". PREFIX . MULTIK ." WHERE uid='$this->uid' AND waehrung='$this->schnitt' LIMIT 1 ");
if(count((array)$results) != 1){
$this->error = 1; $this->meldung .= AUSZAHLUNG_MULTI_KONTO_FALSE;
$this->m_konto = $results->{1}->kontoid;
private function schnitt_erlaubt(){
$stelle = $this->db->get_row("SELECT aktiv_aus FROM ". PREFIX . SCHNITT ." WHERE schnittstelle = '$this->schnitt' ",true);
if($stelle->aktiv_aus != 1){ $this->error = 1; $this->meldung .= AUSZAHLUNG_SCHNITT_STELLE_FALSE;}
private function kontostand($betrag){
$konto = $this->db->get_row("SELECT kontostand_a,auszahlung_sperre FROM ". PREFIX . KONTO . " WHERE uid = '$this->uid' ",true);
if($konto->kontostand_a < $betrag){ $this->error = 1; $this->meldung .= AUSZAHLUNG_KONTO_FALSE;}
if($konto->auszahlung_sperre == 0 && $this->art == 2){ $this->error = 1; $this->meldung .= AUSZAHLUNG_SPERRE_TRUE;}
private function make_array($post){
foreach($_POST AS $key => $value){
if($key != 'auszahlen' && $key != '' && $key != 'veri'){
$this->array[$key] = $this->db->escape($value);
public function veri($post){
$row = $this->db->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . PREFIX . SCHNITT . " WHERE schnittstelle='" . $this->array['schnittstelle'] . "' AND aktiv > 0 LIMIT 1",true);
// User beim Betreiber prüfen
$this->db->insert(PREFIX . SCHNITTA, array("zeit" => time(), "uid" => $this->session['uid']));
if(file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/lib/schnittstellen/" . $row->schnittstelle . ".php")){
require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/lib/schnittstellen/" . $row->schnittstelle . ".php");
$ausgabe = uservalidate($row->betreiber_id, $row->betreiber_passwort, $this->array['veri_id'], $this->array['veri_pw']);
if ($ausgabe == 'Alles OK'){
$this->db->insert(PREFIX . MK ,array("uid" => $this->session['uid'], "kontoid" => $this->db->escape($this->array['veri_id']),"waehrung" => $this->db->escape($this->array['schnittstelle'])));